76 Sets Of Mechanical Internal Pipe Seals Installation Completed In Changshu City
[ 2020/03/10 ] 1438
94 PCS Sewer Cleaning Nozzles Delivered to Kunshan City.
[ 2020/03/06 ] 1498
Bucher Municipal Zynkon 2019 Annual Distributor Meeting
[ 2019/12/22 ] 1530
November Summary
[ 2019/11/24 ] 1447
Partnered With Bucher Municipal Zynkon to Host A Sewer Cleaning Equipment Session In Wuxi City.
[ 2019/09/06 ] 1281
Another Bucher Municipal Delivered and Trained in Wuxi City.
[ 2019/08/23 ] 1270
357 Sets of Mechanical Internal Pipe Seals Delivered to Baoding City.
[ 2019/08/17 ] 1201
Another Bucher Municipal Zynkon Sewer Cleaning Truck delivered to Wuxi City.
[ 2019/07/26 ] 879